Peer Review Policy
- ABMS follows a double-blind peer review policy, where both the author and the reviewer are blinded from each other.
- ABMS uses the OJS system for submission and subsequent steps of evaluating an article to ensure transparency and a clear step-by-step review process.
- The manuscript once submitted to the OJS goes through an initial triage by an assigned sub-editor. In case of any deficiencies, the authors are contacted via the system to respond. The initial Turnitin report is generated at this stage. Once the editors are satisfied the publication is sent to at least TWO subject experts for peer review from the list of registered peer reviewers.
- The peer reviewer will evaluate the suitability of the article for publication based on its quality, novelty, and relevance for publication.
- A period of a minimum of 4 weeks is be given for a reviewer to go through a manuscript and send his/her suggestions to the editor. Reminders are sent off at the end of the second and fourth week with additional 4 weeks’ time for review to be completed.
- If a reviewer is unable to meet the period agreed upon or declines to review the manuscript, the manuscript is sent to another reviewer.
- The editor may establish a system for rapid review of especially important manuscripts. This may include review only by editors or asking reviewers to complete their evaluations within a shorter period of time than is allowed routinely.
- Authors who seek rapid review should explain why their manuscripts merit such a review.