Hypertension Status of Medical Student & its Association with Paternal & Maternal Hypertension


  • Mian Saad Ahmed Demonstrator Khyber Medical College, Peshawar http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7167-3929
  • Farhana Jabeen Shah Kabir Medical College, Peshawar
  • Khalid Aslam Kabir Institute of Public Health
  • Syeda Lalarukh Saba Shah Bakhtawar Amin Medical & Dental College, Multan
  • Syeda Gulrukh Saba Shah Kabir Medical College, Peshawar
  • Irfan Ullah Kabir Medical College, Peshawar


Background: To determine prevalence of hypertension in medical students and its association with maternal and paternal hypertensive status

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Kabir Medical College, Peshawar, from March 2017 to September 2017. A total of 300 medical students were recruited using non-probability sampling technique. Students with any chronic illness were excluded while others were included. A pre-designed questionnaire was used after measuring blood pressure using Mercury Sphygmomanometer. SPSS V 25.0 was used; descriptive statistics were calculated, while chi-square/fisher exact test was applied to measure the association. P-value ≤ 0.05 was taken as significant.

Results: Mean age of sample was 21.72±1.472 years, among which 58.7% were male and 41.3% females. Among students 87.7% were normotensive, 6% pre-hypertensive and 6.3% hypertensive. All professional years’ students participated with the most 24.7% from 1st Professional. As we moved towards higher year of professional education the hypertensive status got increased showing 24.49% (maximum frequency) in Final Professional while it was only 8.1% in 1st Professional. The same increase was observed for age where it increased to 50% of hypertensive stage at 25 years. Association was insignificant for gender and professional year with the type of hypertension having P-value=0.845 and P-value=0.169 respectively, and significance for family history with P-value=0.000                            

Conclusion: It can be concluded that hypertension is more prevalent in female gender with advance age and professional year of education. The students with both maternal and paternal positive history of hypertension are more prone to this lethal disease with a significant association while for gender and professional year of education the association was insignificant.

Keywords: Hypertension, Pre-hypertension, Maternal, Paternal, medical students.

Author Biography

Farhana Jabeen Shah, Kabir Medical College, Peshawar

Assistant Professor

Kabir Medical College, Peshawar




How to Cite

Ahmed MS, Shah FJ, Aslam K, Shah SLS, Shah SGS, Ullah I. Hypertension Status of Medical Student & its Association with Paternal & Maternal Hypertension. Adv Basic Med Sci [Internet]. 2020Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.7];3(2). Available from: https://abms.kmu.edu.pk/index.php/abms/article/view/93