
  • Maria Kamran kmu


Background: Beta thalassemia syndromes are heterogeneous inherited disorders. They represent the commonest inherited hemoglobinopathies and constitute a com-mon public health problem. Patients suffering from these disorders ultimately devel-op complications including endocrinopathies secondary to transfusional iron over-load. Thyroid dysfunction is well documented in this context; however there is great disparity in its prevalence across the world. This study was designed to determine the frequency of thyroid dysfunction in multi-transfused (> 12 regular transfusions) beta thalassemia syndrome patients in District Peshawar Pakistan.

 Methodology: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, patients treated at Fatimid Foundation Peshawar were enrolled. One hundred and fifteen multi-transfused beta thalassemia syndrome patients >10 years of age were included. Data and blood samples were collected after taking written informed consent from patients/guardians.  Venous  blood  (3ml)  was  collected  in  vacuette®  (Griener, GmbH). After centrifugation, sera were separated and analyzed for T4, T3, TSH and ferritin levels by Chemiluminescence Immune Assay (CLIA) technique using Acculite Monobind Diagnostics on Lumax analyzer in IBMS.

Results: Primary subclinical hypothyroidism was detected in 25 (21.7%) pa-tients. All patients were iron overloaded as indicated by very high serum ferri-tin levels (ranging from 1500-27042ng/ml).

Conclusion: Hypothyroidism occurs mainly in subclinical state and is a fre-quent complication in iron overloaded beta thalassemia syndrome patients with risk of progression.



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How to Cite

Kamran M. FREQUENCY OF HYPOTHYROIDISM IN MULTI-TRANSFUSED IRON OVERLOADED β-THALASSEMIA SYNDROME PATIENTS. Adv Basic Med Sci [Internet]. 2024Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.7];1(2). Available from: