
  • Tariq Hamayun kmu


Background: Thalassemia syndrome represents a heterogeneous group of inherited anemias. It is one of the most common hereditary genetic disorders in Pakistan. Vita-min D is an important metabolite known to be deranged in various systemic illnesses involving kidneys, liver, GIT and endocrine system. Defective synthesis of 25-OH vi-tamin D have been described in these patients which negatively affect their bone

metabolism. Impaired calcium homeostasis is thought to be a consequence of iron overload seen in multi-transfused thalassemia patients. Objective of the study was to assess serum vitamin D and calcium levels in β thalassemia syndrome patients of district Peshawar.

Methodology: The current study had descriptive study design with cross-sectional time prospect. A total of 141 thalassemia syndrome patients were enrolled in the study. Physical examination was performed followed by collection of blood sam-ples. The samples were then processed and analyzed in the laboratories of Insti-tute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar.

Results: The mean age of our study group patients was 12.62+5.10 years. The mean 25-OH Vit D levels were 17.48+11.34 ng/dl, while mean total serum Ca con-centration was 8.67+9.1 mg/dl. Only 21.3% of our patients had optimal/normal levels of serum vitamin D concentration. 72.3% of our study patients had normal levels of their total serum calcium, while 27% of patients had low total serum calcium levels and 0.7% had high levels for serum calcium.

Conclusion: The present study showed a high prevalence of VDD and low total serum calcium levels in thalassemia patients with a significant low BMI, that signify the importance of screening for said metabolites and appropriate ther-apeutic interventions. The presence of such metabolic derangements may be due to the presence of high serum ferritin levels and poor nutrition intake.

Appropriate measurements therefore should be taken to improve heath and quality of life in thalassemia patients.


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