Background: The severity of periodontitis and Increased prevalence is generally
seen in diabetic patients. Current study was conducted to relate diabetes mellitus
type-2 with severity of periodontitis in obese and Non-obese.
Methodology: A total of 280 obese and non-obese patients having diabetes mellitus
type-2 with and without periodontitis were studied from Jan 2006 to June 2007.
The subjects were divided into seven groups (A-F) and 40 normal individuals. Pa-
tients of both gender between 31 and 70 years were included in this study. Blood
sample were taken and analyzed for fasting and post prandial sugar level. More
than 3 mm of periodontal pocket depth was recorded in periodontitis patients.
Results: Significant difference was observed in blood sugar level (fasting and
post prandial) in control and the non-obese/obese diabetic patients with peri-
odontal infection. In both obese and non-obese diabetics with periodontitis
depth of periodontal pocket was significantly raised when compared to con-
trol. However the mean of the depth of periodontal pocket was more in obese
patients with periodontal disease as compared to non-obese diabetic.
Conclusion: Depth of periodontal pocket was significantly raised in both
non-obese and obese diabetic when compared to control but in obese dia-
betic as compared to non-obese diabetic patients there was an increase in
the mean values of periodontal pocket depth with periodontitis.
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