
  • Shafiq Ahmad Tariq KMU


Background: Increase in frequency of environmental pollution particularly soil con-

taminated with heavy metals direct their uptake in human food through plant parts.

Tissue precipitation of macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients during utilization of

produces adversely affects one’s health. The current study is directed to assess

and quantify the presence of metallic elements in whole plant of Indigofera ge-


Methodology: The fresh specimen of Indigofera gerardiana Wall was collected from upper Dir. The sample of the plant was dried under shadow, cut into small pieces and grinded to coarse powder. Powder was then used to analyse for mac-ro nutrients by flame photometry and for micronutrients by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.

Results: The window of acceptability for metallic ion is being exceeded by Fe, Ni, Cr & Co in certain parts of plants but normal in others. Mostly, the micro-nutrients detected in leaves were beyond normal limits.

Conclusions: Our study showed the presence of substantial concentrations of micro- and macro-nutrients in samples of root, leaves and stem.


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How to Cite

Tariq SA. ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF INDIGOFERA GERARDIANA WALL BY ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROPHOTOMETER (AAS). Adv Basic Med Sci [Internet]. 2024Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];1(1). Available from: https://abms.kmu.edu.pk/index.php/abms/article/view/32