Detection of Early Renal Damage using Serum Cystatin-C in Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia Syndrome Patients


  • Sobia Bashir Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Khyber Medical University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Nazish Farooq Khyber Medical College, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Tariq Masood Northwest Medical College Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Nayab Farid Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Khyber Medical University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Aamir Khan Institute of Pathology and Diagnostic Medicine, Khyber Medical University Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Mahwish Nowshad IBMS,KMU



Transfusion dependent thalassemia, Thalassemia Major, Renal functions, serum Creatinine, Serum cystatin-C, Glomerular filtration rate


Background: Transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT) patients suffer from several life-threatening complications. These mainly stem from iron overload, a common adverse effect of regular transfusions. Studies discerning renal complications are, however, scarce.

Objective: This study investigatesthe frequency of early renal damage among TDT patients using serum cystatin-C. The relationship between serum cystatin-Cand serum ferritin levels is also elucidated.

Design: Cross-sectional study

Place & duration of study: Khyber Medical University, May 2019 to January 2020

Methodology:Known TDT patients, 3 to 16 years of age, were enrolled in the study.Biochemical tests were conducted on the blood and urine samples of the patients. Data was entered and analyzed for statistical significance.

Results:In pediatric TDT patients, serum cystatin-C was significantly higher, while serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)were within the normal range when compared to controls. A positive correlation was identified between serum cystatin-Cand serum ferritin. Similarly, Serum cystatin-Cwas found to have a positive correlation with pretransfusion hemoglobin.The interval of transfusion was, however, inversely associated with serum cystatin-C levels.

Conclusion:Asymptomatic renal dysfunction is found in TDT patients. Thismay be attributed to iron overload.

Keywords:Transfusion dependent thalassemia, Thalassemia Major, Renal functions, serum Creatinine, Serum cystatin-C, Glomerular filtration rate


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How to Cite

Bashir S, Farooq N, Masood MT, Farid N, Khan A, Nowshad M. Detection of Early Renal Damage using Serum Cystatin-C in Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia Syndrome Patients. Adv Basic Med Sci [Internet]. 2023Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];7(2):54-8. Available from: