The Role of Penicillium Digitatum in Production of Single Cell Proteins from Citrus Reticulablanca Peels


  • Hamad Ullah Khattak Khyber Medical university
  • Sahibzada Mehmood Ahmad Sarhad University of science and information technologies
  • Shandana Zulfiqar Khyber Medical university
  • Muhammad Tayyeb Khyber Medical university
  • Muhammad Junaid Khan Khyber Medical university
  • Aibad Ullah Khattak agriculture University Peshawar




The potential use of kinnow peels as a substrate for Penicillium digitatum to manufacture single-cell protein was investigated in this work.


Sulfuric acid in concentrations of 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 N were used to pre-treat the substrate. The kinnow peels hydrolysate (KPH) medium and glucose supplemented kinnow peels hydrolysate medium were employed in this study.


Kinnow peels hydrolysate produced 2.28%, 2.23%, and 2.07% crude protein at 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 N per 20g of substrate utilized, respectively. Furthermore, on supplemented kinnow peels hydrolysate medium with inorganic nitrogen sources at 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 N, the percentage of protein in single-cell protein was only 2.00%, 2.04%, and 2.15%, respectively. At 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45N, glucose was added to the augmented kinnow peels hydrolysate medium, yielding 2.12%, 2.02%, and 2.12%, respectively.


There was no effect of digestion normalities in case of KPH. The effect of normalities was noted when kinnow peels digest was supplemented with glucose. There was a decreasing trend in SCP production with an increase in normalities. No effect was noted when KPH was combined with M.M and glucose.


Single Cell Proteins, Hydrolysate, Penicillium digitatum, KPH, Amino Acids, kinnow peels

Author Biography

Hamad Ullah Khattak, Khyber Medical university

I am Medical Microbiology Mphil scholar in KMU, IPDM department of Microbiology, a medical officer and research scientist recognized by WHO (certified )




How to Cite

Ullah Khattak H, Mehmood Ahmad S, Zulfiqar S, Tayyeb M, Khan MJ, Khattak AU. The Role of Penicillium Digitatum in Production of Single Cell Proteins from Citrus Reticulablanca Peels. Adv Basic Med Sci [Internet]. 2021Dec.31 [cited 2025Jan.23];5(2):38-43. Available from: