Hepatoprotective property of Berberis lycium in paracetamol induced liver injury; An Experimental study


  • Furqan Ali Shah Peshawar Medical College
  • Tahira Parveen Kabir Medical College Peshawar Pakistan
  • Hasnain Ali Shah Kabir Medical College Peshawar Pakistan
  • Azhar Ali Shah Pakistan Medical and dental council
  • Riaz Naseem Peshawar Medical College
  • Waheed Iqbal Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3755-8633


Background: The aim of current study is to find out the Hepatoprotective effects of berberis lycium in paracetamol induced hepatic injury in mice.

Methodology: This research was carried out in Peshawar Medical College (PMC) Peshawar Pakistan and Kabir Medical College Peshawar. A sample of 30 mice was subdivided in to 6 groups of 5 mice each. Group I was Positive control group and given Silimyrin 50 mg/kg body weight followed by Paracetamol 250 mg/kg/body weight after three hours. Group II was Negative control group and Group III was Normal control group where Paracetamol 250 mg/kg body weight and Normal Saline was given respectively. Group IV, V, VI were given plant extract at respective doses of 100, 200, 400 mg/kg body weight, each followed by Paracetamol 250 mg/kg/body weight after 3 hours. Blood was extracted for determination of ALT, ALP, serum and total protein using standard protocols while tissue samples were isolated for histopathological studies.

Results: The test drug produced dose dependent significant decrease in levels of enzymes under study as compared to control while levels of T-protein were significantly increased as compared to control. Furthermore, histopathological studies reveals that the extract of Berberis lycium shows Hepatoprotective effects in dose dependent manners.

Conclusion: This study reveals that Berberis lycium shows hepatoprotective properties.

Key words: Acetaminophen, Hepatic injury, Berberis Lycium, Hepatoprotective properties

Author Biographies

Furqan Ali Shah, Peshawar Medical College

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology

Tahira Parveen, Kabir Medical College Peshawar Pakistan

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology

Hasnain Ali Shah, Kabir Medical College Peshawar Pakistan

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology

Azhar Ali Shah, Pakistan Medical and dental council

Assistant Registrar

Riaz Naseem, Peshawar Medical College

Professor, Department of Pharmacology




How to Cite

Shah FA, Parveen T, Shah HA, Shah AA, Naseem R, Iqbal W. Hepatoprotective property of Berberis lycium in paracetamol induced liver injury; An Experimental study. Adv Basic Med Sci [Internet]. 2021Feb.18 [cited 2025Feb.9];4(2). Available from: https://abms.kmu.edu.pk/index.php/abms/article/view/139